Cuffs for McKinney?

McKinney's spokesman had this to say (from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution):
Coz Carson, a spokesman for McKinney, said the requested warrant should be dismissed if "this is a prosecutor who's not a politician."
"Any prosecutor with any sense can look at this thing and understand that it's not something that should be blown out of proportion any further," Carson said.
If McKinney didn't want the situation to be "blown of proportion" she shouldn't have held so many press conferences to repeatedly cry racism and denounce the Capitol Police. While the incident certainly made the headlines, her handling of the situation has only inflamed matters.
Speaking of press conferences, here are three videos, the first showing Cynthia McKinney responding to the uproar and the second two showing several supporters speaking on her behalf (all via
Video 1: Fox News coverage of McKinney denying the charges against her and stating her belief that racism is behind the whole mess.
Video 2: Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte come to the aid of McKinney; Belafonte admits he knows nothing about the merits of the case against the congresswoman.
Video 3: Several McKinney rally to her cause; one supporter believes McKinney is the victim of a frame-up.
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